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When you do a Freehand sketch - we have a product called Freehand, which is basically a gigantic, online white board - or you’re actually showing screens of an experience, and tying the conversation around pricing into the user experience, that drives that conversation around pricing to the customer - two things. I sold the agency to a - basically a hostile takeover. You can seed things, you can create good traction around the idea, but I think a longer, more thoughtful, more deep-work-enabled process of driving to a solution is important. Your needs are never going to be the same as anyone else’s, just like people who are not disabled. If you want to work for a company that has a distributed workforce, you need to be able to self-manage your time, you need to be able to self-manage your workflow prioritization, you need to be able to self-manage how you initiate tasks and follow through on tasks and insure completion. And what will we probably be doing instead of focusing on the design of the product, the marketing of the product? If you have a large group of people who are really talented and have a lot of time to focus on the work they do well, and there’s an environment that brings them together when they need to be, but that ebb and flow of focus time, that intimate craft time and that kinetic energy of collaboration, but not at the same time. And I have been enormously privileged in many ways, although I frequently talk about experiencing marginalization in others, I have an enormous amount of privilege and I have experienced some of that in terms of access to some resources.

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Lydia once gave a talk for Automattic about disability inclusion, and today we’re going to continue that conversation. And all of those experiences of marginalization, and what some of us might say is hyper-marginalization, people who live at the margins of the margins where there is so much that is stacked against us, and how society is designed, and who society assumes is normal and healthy and the ideal, and who society decides shouldn’t really be at the center, shouldn’t be in the lead, should be denied opportunities, should not have access and all of those things, it gives you a very different perspective than when you grow up in the world with access to more privilege and resources in ways that I didn’t, even in the many ways that I have had some privileges. And there is a very, very wide spread there, at least there was then even more so than it is today. And my response to that would be perhaps for some people that may be true, there may be some people who already know about themselves from their own experience that that’s not going to work for them, so those people are probably not in your workforce if that’s where you are. CLARK: 100%. You have to be getting something out of the remote thing. So for example, in the autistic community, there are some autistic people who I know who need to have daily access to natural sunlight, and quite a lot of it, in order to function well.

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Since our team leads might never meet a far-flung applicant face to face until well after they’ve been hired, our hiring process has to be comprehensive, so sometimes it can be a little bit of a slow and long process. So, for example, with some people who have ADD or depression, it can be very difficult to manage one’s own workflow, which some people might say, “Well that’s a prerequisite. And if the room is closed off and there’s no windows or there’s very few betebet bahis https://luxuryvillasmx.com/82457282 of them, and it’s only artificial lighting, that can make it incredibly difficult to function, let alone to get work done. I like to sometimes just go to conferences, even though I’m 50% interested in the content, just because being at a conference blocks off your schedule, it puts you in a room with a lot of that kinetic energy, of buzz, of people who aren’t distracting you because they don’t have any interest in you, they’re there for other things, they have no connection to you, but it’s a room that’s vibrant with the energy of people. MATT: How long before Google, Facebook, etcetera, the same people you’re competing with in New York, open into the distributed world? There are things that happen in a co-located environment - that’s what we call the world of on-site work, co-located - there are things that happen there between the seams that people don’t even understand are happening.

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